Field with crops being brought in

Jones Boys Grocery

Important Contacts
Village Hall
(217) 476-3317

Ashland Police Department
(217) 476-8191

Ashland Fire Protection District
Shane Hall, Fire Chief
(217) 320-1801
Emergencies Dial 911
Streets Department
(217) 476-3317
Sewer & Water Department
(217) 476-3317
Village News

Request for Proposals for Qualification
Based Engineering Services
Village of Ashland – Request for Engineering Proposals
The Village of Ashland, Illinois is requesting proposals from engineering firms to perform design, bidding and construction engineering services for the Village's Replacement of Lift Station & Force Main located at S. Charles Street & Cemetery Road in accordance with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Rebuild Illinois Public Infrastructure Grant Program, Grant Number 22-921002.
In order to request a submittal packet interested firms should contact Pam Gardner, Village Clerk, by phone at (217) 476-3317, or mail inquiries to Village of Ashland, P.O. Box 170, Ashland, IL 62612.
Engineering proposals must be received at 101 N. Yates St., Ashland, IL 62612 by 4:00 pm on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 in order to be considered.
The Village reserves the right to accept or reject any or all RFP responses or to re-solicit proposal statements.
Water Payments
Water bills are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend, please pay your water bill prior to the weekend so a late charge of 10% will not incur.
If a green tag has appeared on your door, you are past due on your water payment. This is a notice that if not paid by a specific date and specific time, your water will be shut off. If this happens, there is also a reconnect fee of $50.00 which will be posted to your account and must be paid prior to having water turned back on'.
If you are experiencing a hardship, please contact Village Hall at 217-476-3317 and we will be happy to work with you.

The Village of Ashland is proud to partner with Scout Owen Bell and brother Evan Bell in collecting tattered and torn American Flags. Just bring your flag up to Village Hall. Inside there is a drop box to put the flags in.
Emergency Notification List
In an effort to increase communication between the village and the community members about boil orders, emergency notifications and other important information, we are developing an email list to notify and update the town. If you would be interested in receiving notifications and updates, please click the link below to be taken to a form that will help us gather the information.
If you would prefer to fill out your information on paper, copies will be available at the Village Hall.
Cass Communications has set up a Hot Spot here at the Municipal Bldg. If you park on Yates Street, reception is good.
Thank you,
Kitty Mau
Reminder to our Citizens
Living in a small town often gives residents a feeling of safety and security. Ashland is a great town to live in, but security is as easy as locking car doors and house doors. Help keep our great town free of easy targets!
Ashland, Illinois